Development of MicroCHAR® fertilizer began in fall 2020 and ended in fall 2021 in the form of corporate research of AIVOTEC s.r.o. and BIOUHEL.CZ.

All the gained knowledge was compared to available solutions and state of the art. We concluded that MicroCHAR is unique in the world. On 22.12.2021 we submitted patent application under the number PV 2021-592.


Lately, even the big fertilizer producers realize that current way of intensive agriculture is unsustainable. They look for innovative and sustainable ways for agriculture production, among which the symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi play a significant role.

Therefore, there is a demand for new fertilizers with biotic component. (prof. Miroslav Vosátka, botanical institute AV ČR).


Contract research had been conducted at VŠTE in České Budějovice under the leadership of doc. J. Maroušek.

The goal was to develop a mixture of carbon, nutrients and other components intended for granulation.

Result is the KNOW-HOW for production of carbon-base fertilizer, protected by utility model UV 034889.


Development of technical solution was realized in cooperation with the u 3V Tech company.

Result of the development is a verified solution for granulation of carbon-base fertilizer and several batches of verified fertilizer MicroCHAR®


Czech agricultural university,doc. Lukáš Trakal

From more than 10 years of experience of use and testing of biochar, MicroCHAR® is the first product that is easy to apply to the soil, mainly due to its shape and minimal dustiness. Another great advantage is sufficiently programmed quantity of nutrients that are released gradually into the soil environment.

The final complexity of the product is achieved through a mixture of microorganism which stimulate the growth of a specific crop. I see the future of this product in eco-agriculture, especially in degraded soils with lack of organic matter, which results in low water-retention capacity. In my opinion, it would be ideal to have the opportunity to obtain subsidy for use of MicroCHAR® and similar products from MZe or MŽP especially for two reasons: (i) return of organic matter into the soil and therefore carbon sequestration; and (ii) support for green technology, which primarily represents negative emissions of CO2.

Botanical Constitution of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, prof. M. Vosátka

The testing of biofertilizer MICROCHAR (grant support Innovation Voucher, OPPIK). Results confirm all the previous hypotheses and conclusions from vessel trials. In particular, it confirmed the availability of nutrients and the significant colonization of roots by mycorrhizal fungi.

Yield of spring wheat from hectare

Total dry matter 8.7 tones

Grains 3.9 tones

Functional tests of the MicroCHAR fertilizer were co-financed by the European Union from the Innovation Vouchers program.

I have been working on biohall since 2013. During that time, my colleagues and I from BIOUHEL.CZ have mapped in detail not only the methods of its production, but also its action in the soil, its benefits, pitfalls and how it is perceived. It is clear that the mass development of biochar use is in its advanced applications and added value. This is why we have developed the MicroCHAR® soil conditioner. In it, biochar acts as a carrier for nutrients and microorganisms. In the soil, it then adds its other abilities, such as improving structure and moisture retention.

In addition to the fertilizer itself, we also offer a complete system for its production from local raw materials directly by the future users – the farmers. This fundamentally shortens and simplifies the chain and reduces production costs. 

I believe that MicroCHAR® can become an instrument for the development of biochar use and thus for the return of life and common sense to the soil!

Jan Káňa


Jan Káňa, AIVOTEC s.r.o.
Project manager
prof. Miroslav Vosátka, Botanický ústav AV
Lead researcher
doc. Josef Maroušek, VŠTE
Researcher, pedology
prof. Ladislav Kolář, VŠTE
Scientific advisor
Mgr. Otakar Strunecký, VŠTE
Researcher, base design
doc. Lukáš Trakal, ČZU
Researcher, geoenvironmental aspects
Mgr. Lenka Fišarová
Researcher, mycorrhizal symbiosis
Ing. František Slabý, 3V Tech s.r.o.
Process technologist, technology development
Martin Pospíšil
Operations specialist